Från den kombinerade S- och U-Bahnstationen Tiergarten går man över den stora paradgatan mot halvsunkiga Hooters;) och vidare in i själva parken mot Zoo. Man följer sedan cykelvägen, och går uppför trapporna så kommer man till en bro över kanalen. På andra sidan bron ligger stället, en stor minifolkpark med kulörta lyktor och fotriktiga träbänkar. Man köper sin öl, sitt vin och sina pretzels i en skön liten kiosk. Stället heter "Schleusenkrug", typ Slusskrogen, och har en blandad publik med lite tonvikt på studenter och poeter in spe. Maten får man köpa i luckor vid ingången om man sitter ute, den ser rätt fancy ut till OK pris, men har inte testat den. Mycket nöje.
Hittade förresten en bra recension:
On a nice hot day, there is nothing quite like hanging out at a beergarden and just enjoying a beer and good company. There are plenty of beergardens to choose from, but I especially like the Schleusenkrug near the Zoo. It's a popular place, so it can get crowded, but you should still be able to find a spot at one of the many tables. Don't be afraid to sit near strangers. In fact, do and make conversation. The Schleusenkrug has such a nice family-like atmosphere. It's also really kid-friendly. Besides having a drink and some food, you can also play boules. They also have a set for kids and there is a large chalkboard as well as a boat for kids to play in.
The Schleusenkrug offers several beers on tap as well as in bottles, but also non-alcoholic drinks. A beer will cost you €3.50 and a Coke €2.50. Fair prices. You have to order your drinks and take them to the table yourself, so don't sit down and expect to be waited on.
The Schleusenkrug also offers several things to eat. They have your typical pretzel, but also sausages, steaks and more from the grill. They also have a few yummy dishes. German cuisine. Just perfect along with a nice Erdinger Weißbier. Again, fair prices.
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